To whom ever it may concern,
Sitting at my desk, I am constantly thinking, how do we start this? What is the correct way to start a successful YouTube channel? To be honest, I am not sure. We could start small by releasing one video a week but with four of us, we might get bored. So what if we did four videos a week? That should be enough right? Then it occurred to me that for each one of those videos you have to write some type of script, run tests for proper settings in the game you want to record, then film that said game and hope that nothing messes up the file, after filming; you must edit the video and make sure it is the most perfect it can be (I'm a perfectionist, it's never perfect) and finally after the video is edited and rendered you go to YouTube and upload that video. I have never felt a more happier feeling then when YouTube said my video had finished being processed. For a one minute and 30 second video, it took me nearly a day to try and perfect it. I probably need to speed up my editing time... anyways, I learned a lot from making the "Here to Stay" video. Was it annoying? Yes. Was it painful trying to do it by today because I made a schedule for myself. Yes. Was it fun? Fun is an understatement. I realized three things. I love my family, I love creating things, and I love video games. Over time I will get faster at developing videos and with the
help of my team, we will put out as many videos as we can. I don't know how much that is yet, but we'll find out very soon. Creating a YouTube channel might be hard but it's a ton of fun if you do it with the people you love.
Please, help us out. What should we stream/ record on a new channel?
P.S. I wrote this at 2:00 A.M. I'm sorry for the typooosss...... *falls asleep
From Nick, a.k.a. Gizmo